M2 Spray Analyzer
contact usExplore very dense sprays
and collect data from
difficult-to-measure places
The M2 Spray Analyzer performs local measurement of droplet size and velocity. The system is composed of an optical fiber Doppler probe, immersed in the flow, a remote electronic unit and a software application for processing and analysis. Data processing can be done in a fully assisted manner in most cases but can also finely tuned for better control in complex situations.
Down to 5 μm
No upper limit
0.01 to 80 m/s
Liquid fraction
0 to 100%
Operating conditions
From cryogenic temperature up to 250°C
Up to 100 bars
Suitable for non-transparent liquids
Up and running in minutes
OFDP: more than the sum of its parts
The Optical Fiber Doppler Probe technique designed by A2 Photonic Sensors is the fruit of more than 25 years of research. It results from the combination of phase optical probes with laser Doppler velocimetry. A micrometric sensor head is manufactured at the tip of an optical fiber. Once immersed in the spray, the optical fiber probe acts as both the laser emitter and light detector, and will measure all droplets reaching its tip. The miniaturized size of the sensing part guarantees a very low disturbance to the flow, hence a high accuracy of the measurement.
Software and data processing
- Simple and fast automated processing or advanced in-depth analysis
- Optional acquisition triggering
- Full access to raw data
- Size and velocity distributions, size/velocity correlation
- Easy data export

Designed for a wide variety of applications, from fundamental research to industrial R&D
- Spray nozzle for turbomachinery
- Atomization fundamental study
- Agricultural spraying
- Spray for fire safety
- Rain in climatic wind tunnel
- Spray drying
- High pressure cleaning
- Spray painting